Sunday, May 11, 2014

March 4, 1869-Washington, D.C.

 Today is one of the greatest days I have experienced in my lifetime. From graduating to fighting for the Union I have never accomplished something so great. Today is the day I was inaugurated. After winning the majority vote and 218-80 electoral votes against my opponent, Horatio Seymour, I gave my inaugural address. "The responsibilities of the position I feel, but accept them without fear. The office has come to me unsought; I commence it's duties untrammeled. I bring to it a conscious desire and determination to fill it to the best of my ability to the satisfaction of the people." This opening ensured that I am on the people's side. The first matter I shall attend to is the economy of this country. It is the backbone of  the United States. In no time at all things will be mended like never before. Reconstruction will not fail. I promise to work for and with this nation. Onward on it's journey to success and glory. 

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